Saturday, April 25, 2015

FPS Gun Mechanics: Introduction

I've decided that this might be the best place to put something like this out, seeing as I have a few observations on the matter that I feel should be more formally categorized than simply brought up in conversation.

Essentially, this series is going to be about firearms in video games. However, rather than being a place where one can rant about all of the issues that arise between real firearms and firearms in video games, this will be more about what exactly makes a good video game gun. This means both good, as in effective, and good, as in enjoyable, as I believe that both can be accomplished. However, a balance has to be reached between the two to keep a game both fun and competitive. Furthermore, in light of Killing Floor 2's early access release on steam, I'd like to touch upon my thoughts as I believe that tripwire has done an exceptional job of producing video game firearms, with a few exceptions. This will also briefly deal with the way targets react to guns, as I think that that is a very important part of the subject.

This is an initial post. I don't want to throw everything down immediately, because I'd like more time to gather resources to use here. I hope you'll find it interesting, whoever you are.

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